Put me in the bottom of a boat
Crossed a raging sea
Stacked up like cordwood
I can’t breathe

Shackles on my shoulders
Chains for sleeves
Goin’ to the highest bidder
I can’t breathe

Put me down officialized
A 5 under a 3
I can’t breathe

Miss Harriet she got me
All the way to Tennessee
Never made Ohio
I can’t breathe

Everything wasn’t OK in Tulsa
on Black Wall Street
Tinderbox set afire
I can’t breathe

There’s a tomb for the unknown soldier
Washington D.C.
Make a heart grow colder
Thinkin’ ‘bout souls lost to history

Wasn’t all just fun and games when #42
Played in the major leagues
Vile, vituperative venom spewed
I can’t breathe

What kind of world demands a young lady
Give up her rightful seat
She sat and stood for all of us
I can’t breathe

Mr. Lincoln sat transfixed
As a young man shared his dream
Then he cried when he heard the news
I can’t breathe

Wednesday night Bible Study
Mother Emanuel AME
There but for the Grace of God go I
I can’t breathe

George Floyd, knee on neck
Lyin’ helpless in the street
Cryin’ to his Mother in heaven
I can’t breathe

Names and stories endless
Like drops of water in the sea
Rendering us defenseless
I can’t breathe

To catch that answer in the wind
It’s up to you and me
To let justice roll down as waters
Righteousness as a mighty stream

I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe
I can’t breathe
I can’t