The Fighter (Kristi)

With these hands, I make my fists
Grind my foes, mill to grist
With these same two hands, I clench in prayer
To battle well, what is mine to bear

With these arms, I take my swings
Fending off, whatever this world brings
With these same two arms, I raise high above
Reaching for, that Mighty Love

But it’s my heart, with all its might
That’ll see me through, to win this fight

With these legs, I stand my ground
Steadfast, sturdy, stout and sound
With these same two legs, I kneel to pray
In supplication, to find my way

But it’s my heart, with all its might
That’ll see me through, to win this fight

Stand in my corner, I’ll answer every bell
Dust off my gloves, and I will fight like hell

Pain and suffering, tears of woe
I feel every nick, blow by blow
As this ol’ body, weathers these storms
I stay strong, my spirit soars

‘Cause it’s my heart, with all it’s might
It’s my heart, through this long dark night
It’s my heart, with the sacred light
It’s my heart that will win this fight