Pots & Pans (Cacophony Symphony)

Pots and pans
Freed from the kitchens, take their positions
In the grateful hands of at least one million new musicians

‘Cause at 7 o’clock, for the nurses and docs
They play their song
grab an old tea pot, whatever you got
just play along

Cling cling clang, bang bang bang
Bing bam boom
Rattle prattle skattle, fiddle faddle
Such a lovely tune

Molly and Marge, Charlie and Sarge
So ready to play
Milo and Mia, Granny and Tia been
practicin’ all day

‘Cause at 7 o’clock, for the nurses and docs
They play their song
A tin cheese shredder, the louder the better
You can’t play it wrong

Cling cling clang, bang bang bang
Ping pang pow
Rattle prattle skattle, fiddle faddle
Such a beautiful sound

Now it ain’t no Sydney, La Scala or Lincoln Center
Oh no, no, no, the Cacophony Symphony is something so much better

Watching over our hearts, through these ramparts
Nothing we could ever say or do
Like To Sir With Love, write so high above
We try to play our thanks to you

So at 7 o’clock, for the nurses and docs
We play our song
Raucous applause, for the army of gauze
hope to keep them strong

Cling cling clang, bang bang bang
Bing bam boom
Rattle skattle prattle, fiddle faddle
Such a beautiful tune

Clap clap clap, snap snap snap
Go all the girls and boys
Hoot ‘n’ holler, yell a little louder
such a Thankful noise